Friday, May 21, 2010

Call me Danielle......I am a twenty-one year old fun loving southern girl who believes nothing is impossible. I attend Harding University and am a Broadcast Journalism major. In the short time that I have spent at Harding, I have learned so much. My faith has grown even more in My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I live only for Him and I couldn't imagine living any other way. He has given me so much...even His own Son's why wouldn't I? :) I believe that He is the Son of God and I will continue to do everything through possible to pattern my life after him. My family is wonderful, they encourage me to push through each day like it is my last and to not dwell on the past. I have been blessed with a few good friends and a wonderful man that inspires me each and every day. I strongly believe in the quote, "Your education is the one thing no one can take away from you." I am a non-smoker that does not believe in alcohol consumption, there is absolutely no need for it. I have brown hair and blue eyes. My nickname has always been shorty because I am only five feet tall. :/ Blue and Purple catch my attention the most. I have an extroverted personality and I absolutely and one hundred percent.....LOVE LIFE. ♥